Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What Diet

Has anyone seen a fat person on any of those TV diet adds?  Heck, if I were as slim as they, I'd be thinking maybe I should put on a couple of pounds or so.  Or have you seen the about a woman who is playing tea party with her daughter and because the toy chair was too tight, she immediately went to the cupboard and pulled down that perfect cereal for a little weight loss aid.  Like magic the chair fit.  What you don't see is that she became anorexic and soon went in for treatment.  Lets get real. 

I was a great hunk in my twenties, then my body began to show sings of  weight gain. I missed the signs and paid a real high price for it.  Yes I dieted and fasted and exercised and on and on,  guess what?  I could not drop the weight.
Oh I finally got down to my bad old self but I was on a feeding tube for six months.  As soon as I got off,  I blimp-ed up like the Pillsbury dough boy over fed  a yeast breakfast.  I was disappointed and had to accept that I am not totally in charge as I had thought.

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